Friday, July 01, 2005

Hi from IMS Day #2

Hi, tech room fans. Some of us have even LEFT the room, as things are working well so far.

Nancy Jo Bykowski and I visited the USWD/ID Publications/Online departmental meeting this morning, once we found it (hard to find some of the sessions that didn't have locations listed specifically). We enjoyed hearing some wonderful stories and got some very useful ideas from the participants. We invited them down to the Technology Room to visit the LLL Community Network. We had an Open Space session come visit the Tech Room, yesterday, which was also a special treat.

So far, we are doing really well taking photos for the LLL Community Network--17 Leaders have come in for their photos so far! We've taken lots of photos, thanks to roving photographer Sandee Luttkus. Resident techie Sandy Thorne has set her up with a very nice system for making photo albums that are easy to upload, so we'll have more pictures this year! Check out the photos so far at -- Sandee's out collecting more right now! We love our Sandee/y combo.

Our teen helpers are running around helping lost conference attendees and doing arts and craft activities. You can learn more about Celia from her conference blog, and we have recorded a podcast with Kynan, the other teen volunteer. Speaking of podcasts, Elisabeth just recorded one with Stephanie Weishaar, LLLI's Funding Development Director. Look for it any time now!

More later! Things are popping here!

Sue Ann


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