Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Aww, look what I got in email

I just got this lovely email, and got the author's permission to share it. It is so sweet--Sue Ann

I just returned home from the DC international conference and was tearful as I left and these two days following. I SAW WHAT WORLD PEACE WOULD LOOK LIKE. It was an amazing, uplifting, grounding, confirming, enlightening, connecting, learning experience and I can’t wait for the next in Chicago. My husband attended half and I the other half and he got as much or more than me, as he has at the regional meetings. To be surrounded by others who as my 5-and-a-half-year old would scream and cry or not listen and see the smile of knowing concern letting me know they had been there and knew I to would handle it and get through it made me what to establish a LLL neighborhood. It all begins with nursing and I can admit I want to nurse for the rest of my life. The speakers were awesome and those attending my new family, I never even asked names, as if we already knew. I hope to see you all again. Thank you LLL [and] the Founders for your strength in principle to move and enlighten the world to the greatest gift the world has to offer--people that are breastfed connected to knowing the comforts of peace is found in the love of connectedness.

Celeste Schoen Reading PA


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